Thursday, February 25, 2010


Everyone knows that your life changes when you have a child. However, I didn't realize how much it would motivate me to change my life. Now that I have this little person watching every move I make, I want to make sure I'm making the right moves. I want to eat healthier, exercise more, and simplify my life. And, now that I have this little person to motivate me, it's time to make some changes.

I never really had to watch my diet or exercise regularly to keep the pounds off--I was blessed with very good genes and a great metabolism. So, it was hard to stay motivated to do those things. Trips to McDonald's and calls for pizza delivery were happening more often than they should, excuses to not exercise were too easy to come up with, and the lure of buying more 'things' was drawing me in too often.

With the arrival of Kaia, I now have the motivation I needed to change my life for the better. I want her to grow up eating healthy foods, understanding the importance of being active, and enjoying the simple things in life. So, let the changes begin!

I have been exercising as much as possible--skiing on the weekends when Brady can watch Kaia and doing Kettlebell workouts in the basement while Kaia sleeps next to me in her pack-n-play. Thanks to this I am already back in my pre-pregnancy jeans!! I can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can go on hikes in the woods, runs around the lake, and bike rides with the Burley.

The next step is purging our lives of unhealthy foods. This will be the hardest step because of the powerful temptation to take the quick and easy way out. This isn't a change we can make overnight, either. I will have to find new recipes, re-think my shopping habits, and learn to say 'No' to a lot of things I have grown to love. However, to start Kaia's life with healthy eating habits will be worth all the struggles.

Finally, it's time to simplify. There are so many companies out there that will lead you to believe that you HAVE to have their products in order to raise a happy, healthy and intelligent child. However, if we just take the time to look around, there are so many other options. Allowing a child to use their imagination to create their own toys and entertainment is so much more rewarding than anything you can purchase in a store. Remember how much fun it was to make a fort with the couch cushions? Or, the old saying that kids have more fun with the box that the toy came in than the toy itself. Kids want to be creative, so it's time to allow it more often.

I know it will be hard to implement all these changes, and I know I'll occasionally give in to the temptation of a value meal, but I'm committed and motivated to do the best I can. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Garden Dreams

Blustery. That's the best way to describe a day like today. As I look out the window to my backyard there is snow blowing in every direction. Cardinals, woodpeckers, and chickadees are huddled in the tree, staying close to the feeders. I had to bundle up just to get the mail and bring in the garbage cans. Today is NOT a day to be outdoors with a baby.

So, instead, I'm dreaming about spring and summer and my vegetable garden plans. I haven't had a vegetable garden in 2 years, and I'm anxious to get back to it. I want to spend summer days working in the garden while Kaia plays in her playpen next to me. I look forward to the future when she can help me pull weeds, pick off bugs, and harvest treats. I look forward to muddy hands, feet and faces. I especially look forward to the day when Kaia picks her first fresh strawberry, bites into it, and smiles that big, juicy, fresh strawberry smile. There is a lot to be said for a child growing her own treats.

I plan to build raised beds for some 'Square Foot Gardening'. I want to fill them with spinach, tomatoes, peppers, onions, beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers and strawberries. Hopefully the asparagus and rhubarb I planted 2 years ago will come back stronger this year. I would also like to plant some raspberry bushes to add to the wild blackberries we already find in the woods. I just hope the deer continue to like my neighbor's corn, apples, and birdseed more than my garden.

I can't wait until my first batch of homemade salsa is canned and in the cupboard. I hope I can fill the freezer with veggies and strawberries to get us through next winter. How amazing would it be to not buy any produce that somehow made it all the way here from South America or Mexico!

So, even though today is not a day to be outdoors with a baby, it is a great day to plan for our summer days outside digging in the dirt. I feel warmer already.